
How to get rid of Centipedes

Millipedes, Centipedes,  sowbugs, and pillbugs are arthropods, distinct from insects, yet they share similar habitat preferences. While these creatures are not inherently harmful, their presence can be considered bothersome, especially when they invade indoor spaces.

Millipedes and centipedes, both resembling elongated worms, feature numerous body sections and legs. However, there are key distinctions between them. Centipedes have a flattened body and possess only one pair of legs per section, with notably longer legs that enable swift movement when disturbed. Conversely, millipedes have a rounded upper body and sport two pairs of legs per section. When agitated, millipedes tend to coil up, whereas centipedes make a rapid escape toward the nearest concealed spot.

Centipedes offer a natural means of pest control within your home, preying on spiders, bed bugs, cockroaches, silverfish, carpet beetles, and ants. In contrast, millipedes cannot thrive indoors due to the arid conditions.

Originally hailing from Mexico, house centipedes have become prevalent in North America. They tend to invade residences with excessively damp sub-floors, drains, basements, or bathrooms. Additionally, they may seek shelter indoors as temperatures drop in the fall. House centipedes are characterized by 15 pairs of legs, long antennae, and a size ranging from 2.5 to 5.0 cm (1 to 2 inches). These agile creatures quickly conceal themselves in cracks, crevices, and behind baseboards. Some even favor hiding beneath the bark of firewood stored indoors.

Though centipedes possess poison glands, most house centipedes are unable to pierce human skin with their bite. However, those that can inflict a bite may produce effects similar to a mild bee sting, with symptoms typically subsiding within hours. Their bites do not pose a significant threat to pets like dogs and cats.

Sowbugs, pillbugs, and millipedes play valuable roles in breaking down organic matter, enriching garden soil with nutrients. Centipedes contribute to pest control by preying on other insect pests. Consequently, this group can be considered beneficial and should be tolerated as much as possible.

A persistent infestation of sowbugs, pillbugs, or millipedes indoors may indicate an underlying moisture issue in your home, often accompanied by a readily available food source such as decaying wood. To address infestations, it is advisable to first reduce potential sources of attraction outside your home. For all your pest control needs in Edmonton, trust Classic Pest Control Edmonton.
