Frequently Asked Questions

A: Your technician will provide specific instructions on any necessary preparations for your home or property before the treatment begins.

A: Whether you can stay at home during treatment or need to leave will depend on the type of pest control being conducted. Your technician will inform you about any safety precautions or temporary vacating requirements.

A: Our response time to your pest problem will vary depending on factors such as location and the nature of the issue. Our team will strive to provide prompt assistance, and we’ll give you an estimated timeline when you contact us.

A: Whether cupboard contents need to be removed before interior treatment will depend on the treatment method used. Your technician will guide you on this and any necessary precautions.

A: “IPM” stands for Integrated Pest Management, which is an environmentally friendly approach to pest control that focuses on prevention, monitoring, and using a combination of methods to manage pests effectively with minimal impact on the environment.

A: We offer both short-term and long-term residential service options. You can choose the contract that best suits your needs, and we’ll provide you with the details and terms. You can also choose one time service if that is what you require.

A: The cost of our services can vary depending on factors such as the type of pest, the extent of the infestation, and the treatment required. We’ll provide you with a detailed cost estimate after assessing your specific situation.
