Silver Fish

How to get rid of Silver Fish?

Silverfish are known for their creepy appearance, often resembling venomous centipedes, and are considered some of the most unsettling insects, alongside cockroaches. They go by various names, including Paramites, Fish moths, Lepisma saccharina, and carpet sharks. These wingless insects have a distinctive carrot-shaped body covered in gray scales, giving them an overall silver-like color. They move swiftly, resembling the darting of fish, and possess a distinctive three-pronged tail with protruding antennae. Silverfish are nearly ubiquitous, found on all continents except Antarctica.

While silverfish don’t carry diseases or bite humans, they are quick to scurry to safety when disturbed. They are elusive, often hiding within crevices or cracks beyond human reach. Nocturnal by nature, they virtually disappear during the day and tend to nest near their food sources.

Although harmless to humans, silverfish can cause damage to papers, books, clothing, walls, and leftover food. They create holes and leave yellowish stains. These creatures are typically found in damp, dark areas such as garages, beneath sinks, and in bathrooms. They may hide under piles of damp clothing, plumbing fixtures, or carpets. Given their rapid reproduction, controlling silverfish populations can be challenging. They have been known to cause allergies in humans, leading to symptoms such as bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Silverfish primarily feed on polysaccharides, consuming a wide range of items, including leather, clothes, old cardboard boxes, wallpaper, carpet, sugar, photos, starches, cosmetics, and coffee. They feed on wallpapers and book bindings primarily for the glue that binds them. In the case of plants, they feed on rotting leaves and books by layers without burrowing into the pages. Their diet includes food items containing starch, protein, and sugar, such as flour and cereals, along with cotton and starched linens. Silverfish can contaminate stored food, making it unfit for consumption. They are also known as urban pests, as they chew on floors and walls, and can appear in sinks, bathtubs, and windows. Infestations are commonly found in bathrooms, attics, laundry rooms, kitchens, and basements, often near leaking pipes due to their preference for moisture.

Silverfish can be effectively managed through the use of bait stations and insecticide products. For all your pest control needs in Edmonton, contact Classic Pest Control Edmonton.
